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Captain’s Log – August 31st, 2017

By September 2, 2017Captain's Log

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Today started early as I had to get the Captain’s Chair finished and we needed more fabric!  Well, Joanne’s was out of the fabric, and I didn’t have time to run to the next town over.  The good news is we figured out how to make good with what we had as we didn’t need as big a piece as we thought!  Whew!

And why the rush?  Well, today was our first open house, for The Colonial Fleet, the epic Battlestar Galactica fan club.  We had a BBQ and over 40 Fleeters got to see the bridge.  The event was important as Dean Newbury, our construction coordinator responsible for this great bridge, is a member and Dean wanted to make sure the Fleet saw the bridge in all its glory.

The Captain’s Chair completed!

Well, we got the bridge finished to a level it has not been finished before.  Dean, with his amazing group of volunteers, lead by Dana Wagner and Jess Hobby, finished all the repairs, filling, sanding and painting of the bridge.  My little contribution was putting the upholstered cushions together for the captain’s chair with Dale Simpson.  All told, Dean and his team got everything done in time and we had our awesome BBQ at the studio.  I broke out some of my Star Trek costume collection for everyone to see, and everyone got some cool swag (mostly Propworx auction catalogs).

At night it was off to Der Biergarten, for another Colonial Fleet event. Here we are after drinking beer and having bratwurst! (And one of the best pretzels ever!)

So, two days down, four events with the Colonial Fleet and Dragon Con hasn’t even started!





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