Tuesday, August 15th, 2017
Last month there was an auction that included some Klingon translights from Voyager. Now many of you know I am a big collector of original screen used Star Trek props & costumes. But I am not buying anything these days as I am trying to save money for Axanar, the studio, and buying a house! In the past I have sold large portions of my collection to buy a house for my godsons, and to help fund Axanar. And it is just stuff, so when I need the money, it is there for me. After actually creating something special in Star Trek that fans love, owning pieces of the TV show and movies has held a little less interest for me.
So when this awesome Klingon translight came up for auction, I wanted it! But I really didn’t want to pay the over $ 1,000 I figured it would go for. So I turned to Axanar artist extraordinaire Alexander Richardson. Alex is AMAZING and in a short period of time, he whipped up up a fantastic copy.
Alexander did the amazing console graphics for the bridge, which I will be sharing with you when we do an interview with Alex next week.
We will be using the above translight when we finish the Klingon Consoles we built (now at OWC Studios in Atlanta!). And Alexander will be doing some more translights I am sure!

Alexander and me at Dragon Con 2017
More on bridge graphics soon!