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Captain’s Log – July 11, 2017

By July 11, 2017Captain's Log
Tuesday, July 11th, 2017
In this day and age of divisive, polarized politics, we have a strict NO POLITICS rule at Axanar. We know that fans come from all ends of the political spectrum, and since respect for others is a tenant of Star Trek we want to make sure everyone feels welcome as an Axanar fan, no matter what your politics are.
I have great friends I have met through Axanar who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me.  And you know, I rarely talk politics with them.  Because we don’t want it to bleed over into our Axanar relationship.

Now that doesn’t mean we don’t have opinions and share them or you shouldn’t lobby for your particular point of view.  We respect everyone’s right to have their own views. We just don’t talk about it in the context of Axanar and Star Trek and keep it off of our Axanar Facebook pages. This is where we come to have fun.

So think of Axanar as the Neutral Zone!





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