Axanar is on the move!
Over the past month, Team Axanar has been working through the issues surrounding our studio lease in California and the disposition of the amazing bridge and other sets built for the AXANAR feature film project. As we have noted previously, our landlord has agreed to not only let Axanar Productions out of the lease, but to take over Industry Studios and continue to operate it as a sound stage. As part of this deal, Axanar Productions will still be able to use the facility as well as recover a portion of the investment we made to convert the warehouse into a sound stage. Those funds will go back into Axanar Productions so we can continue telling the story of Axanar and fulfilling our commitments to donors.
As you probably know, we are also approaching the end of the Industry Studios Indiegogo campaign which has generated over $20,000 in new donations. Originally intended to help fund the rent and overhead related to operating the Industry Studios sound stage, we’ve had to change our purpose for the funds raised to cover our transition out of that space and our move to something new. We asked donors what they thought and a overwhelming majority of them indicated they were happy to let us decide how to best move forward. Fewer than 2% of all donors to the campaign asked for a refund.
So we are happy to announce that we will be relocating the Axanar sets to Atlanta, Georgia at the end of this month. Atlanta is the third largest film production city in the US and our new facility will cost approximately 25% of our current lease. The 6,000sf of space is in fantastic condition and is fully air conditioned, a must for shooting in hot Atlanta summers. We are very excited about the new facility and think it will make a great long-term home for all the Star Trek and science fiction projects we have planned.
So, Team Axanar will be loading trucks and moving out of our Los Angeles facility April 28-30th. If you are a Los Angeles local, we would love to have your help! In addition, we move into our Atlanta facility May 6-7th and if you are an Atlanta resident, we would love your help there. In fact, the team of another Star Trek fan film is coming over to help us unload the trucks and move in!
So if you are interested in helping in either location, please email me at alec at axanarproductions dot com and let me know. There will be food and swag for everyone who helps!
I am happy to hear this. Wishing you the best of luck in the transition.
Congratulations for the work and for the new way you find.
A big thanks for the dream you will give us again !
Alex, We would love to come and help. Do you need any footage captured of the move-in for social media? We can bring the gear to capture the event. I have a portable edit suite and all the tools to make this happen. Just let us know. We will be in Atlanta that weekend nailing down our new home.
Aaron Hutchings
Aaron, I emailed you. Would love the help.
So an odd concept – Vulcan Alberta Canada might be a good place for this. The town might actually give you a place to put it rent free and afterwards use it as an attraction. Downside would be of course shooting in Canada (potential tax credits and grant programs?) but maybe could be staged around the annual convention?
We already have a place in Atlanta!