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Captain’s Log – March 27th, 2017

By March 30, 2017Captain's Log

Butch “Bama” Channel and I at this weekend’s Warhammer tournament

Monday, March 27th, 2017

The amazing thing about Axanar is how universally loved it is by Star Trek fans.  I am always shocked and humbled by people who have seen Prelude to Axanar or The Vulcan Scene and mention it to me or approach me when I am not even at a convention.  And believe me, I appreciate it.

There was a wonderful team that did a lot of work on Axanar, so knowing that that work is appreciated by people is immensely rewarding.  Rob Burnett has always told me, “It’s all about the work.” And he is right, doing great work is the reward.  Now if you can do it with awesome folk who you like, so much the better.  Rob, Milton Santiago, our DP, Bing Bailey our DIT/Colorist, Bill Watters, our CTO, Simon Lissaman, our Art Director;  Tobias Richter, our VFX guru, these are all people (and there are dozens more) that put their heart and souls into Prelude to Axanar and The Vulcan Scene.  And I love people knowing about all the behind the scenes folk who made Axanar happen.  I may be the face of Axanar, but so many people helped (and now continue to help) to make it happen.

So this past Sunday I played in a Warhammer Horus Heresy tournament (I can hear readers saying “What?”)  Warhammer is a miniature wargame.  Think Risk, combined with the strategy of chess, combined with building and painting models. Yes, its geeky, and it is my big passion outside of Star Trek.  So the tournament organizer, Butch Channel (aka Bama) and I were talking at the end of the day, and he mentioned he was a big fan of Axanar.  What a nice and pleasant surprise to see my worlds cross there.  None of us just likes one geeky thing I think, and that geekery is a common bond that enriches our lives.  We can make friends easier, share our passions and just know that others love what we love.

I do love being a multi-geek.


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  • J robinson says:

    The multitude of great sci fi work has made multi geeks of us all. While star trek and star wars are by far the most popular due to the expansive universe that has been created for them. There are many others. And though most of us hope for a star trek type future. With current politics if we ever do get to space without killing ourselves first a babylon 5 or blade runner future seem much more likely. and with the new US administration even a judge dredd or road warrior future is not out of the question.

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