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Captain’s Log – March 8th, 2017

By March 12, 2017June 26th, 2017Captain's Log

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

Today we released our plan for Axanar, Axanar Productions and Industry Studios.  After a 3 day summit where the core Axanar team attended and discussed how we best moved forward, we came up with a plan which you can all see by downloading here.

Now it is an old axiom of business that you “Plan your work and work your plan.” And that is exactly what we did last month when Mike Bawden, our PR Director and now COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Axanar Productions, came out for 3 days of meetings.  Day one was about the future of Axanar as a film project and Rob Burnett, Diana Kingsbury, Bing Bailey and Bill Hunt all attended.  We discussed what Axanar looks like moving forward, and frankly, we are all quite excited.  You will be too.

Day Two was discussions of what Axanar Productions would be doing moving forward, and that involved making Star Trek fan films by ourselves, as well as helping other fan films (We have already had discussions with several other Star Trek fan films).  Our Star Trek fan films will be done under the banner of The Federation Historical Society, as we saw in Prelude to Axanar.  We think that the guidelines, while restrictive, can still allow us to make great fan films.

Day Three saw the discussion of Industry Studios and how we will keep it open for all film makers to use.  As many of you know, we are in the process of applying for a 501(c)3, and while the application is written and waiting to be submitted, we are being held up by the California Secretary of State, which has been making us jump through hoops to change our corporate designation.  Having raised so much money caused extra scrutiny, but we have hired a firm to guide us through the process and we hope to have the application in soon.

So please read our document and stay tuned as we are about to launch a Kickstarter to keep our studio open and dedicated to making great science fiction, fantasy and horror content.  And we have some great young film makers we are working with.


P.S. Here is a sneak peek…..




Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • kenny smith says:

    I know you need to go with cbs and paramount studio. CAN’T you get around this by just do everything thru the internet only?, this way they can’t get you i want you to know that they want to take your film AWAY FROM YOU.

  • Philip Davis says:

    I look forward to seeing Axanar, and anything else you produce! We have been waiting far too long! As an aside, maybe I missed it, but why did the Studios change name?

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