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Captain’s Log – March 3rd, 2017

By March 5, 2017Captain's Log

Friday, March 3rd, 2017

As we close out this week where we have remembered Richard Hatch, our good and dear friend, I thought I would post this from Boomer’s Fan Page.  Yes, Boomer the cat has his own fan page, and if you are a cat lover, you should follow it here. Well, of course Boomer has some help with his posts, but I thought what he posted when Richard passed was really sweet, and it made me both sad and smile at the same time.  It was a really good memory when Richard visited Diana’s apartment and got to meet Boomer.  So I thought I would share it with you all.

Also, Rob, Diana and I recorded a podcast dedicated to remembering Richard, and I hope you will all listen to it.  It is relatively short, just over half an hour, but worth a listen.  You can find it here:

Thanks for being such great fans.  We really appreciate your support. And stay tuned, as this coming week is a big one!




Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Fred says:

    Despite my being the polar opposite of a cat lover (sincere apologies to Boomer), it really makes my day to find these Axanar updates appearing once again in my inbox So very grateful for all the human (and non-human?) memorials to Richard Hatch. Thank you Alex, Robert, Diana, and the entire Axanar team!!!! #PleaseMakeItSo #Engage #RIPRichard

  • Chris Gibson says:

    Looking forward to new Axanar material! Let us know how we can help.

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