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Captain’s Log – Feb. 5th, 2017

By February 8, 2017Captain's Log

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Well, after taking the train down from Nottingham, where I was all weekend at my Warhammer event, we had a London Axanar meet-up at The Euston Flyer, a pub Sam Cockings and I have been to twice before.  Sam came back to town and we were joined by Paul Olsen, Ryan Truscott, Carlos Alvarez and Tony Robinson.

It was short notice, so next time I will let everyone know earlier.  We hope to make a London convention this year as well.

I am off Monday for Los Angeles.  And this week is our Axanar planning meetings.  More news coming…







Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Derek H says:

    I know it doesn’t have anything to do with your London trip but I was saddened last night to hear of Richard Hatch’s death. It is a shame we won’t be able to see him do a longer version of the Klingon Supreme Commander. When you finish up, it would be interesting to have a comparison of how you originally envisioned the story versus how you are modifying it to accommodate the loss of formerly key personnel.

    • Ultrawoman says:

      I am saddened to hear of Richard Hatch’s passing as well. I had the same thoughts.
      When you finish up, it would be interesting to have a comparison of how you originally envisioned the story versus how you are modifying it to accommodate the loss of formerly key personnel.

  • Milan Hatch says:

    I just had a crazy thought. How about doing something positive out of all the things happening that are affecting our collective Axanar lives. Can you or someone you know, start the process to award each year, the best of Start Trek Fan Films (within the CBS/P guidelines) and have the top award named after Richard Hatch? I would even contribute to a Kickstarter or Indiegogo to get the ball rolling to form a committee of people from the industry and fans to set the selection guidelines and awards.

  • Moon Pie Guy says:

    Let me add to the comment about Richard Hatch’s death. I also was sorry to read about his passing. He was such a great addition in his role as Commander Kharn. But not that role only. I was looking forward to see him in “Torment of Destiny” which it seems that we won’t have a chance to see due to the chilling effect of the networks. He appeared to be supporting fan films in deed and not just in word. He will be missed.

  • Jason spriggs says:

    Is that the place near Kings Cross station?

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