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Podcast Supplemental – Let’s Drink to our Mutual Dissatisfaction!

By January 30, 2017February 13th, 2017Axanar News

Axanar Podcast Supplemental: Let’s Drink to Our Mutual Dissatisfaction


Details on the Settlement.

In this special supplemental episode of the official Axanar podcast, Alec Peters and Robert Meyer Burnett are joined by Diana Kingsbury to discuss the settlement of the lawsuit with CBS and what it means for the future of the Axanar film.

Welcome to the Supplemental (00:00:00)
Current Fan Films (00:04:44)
How Do We Move Forward? (00:07:14)
An Unexplored Area of the Universe (00:10:28)
The State of Axanar (00:11:48)
Love From the Donors (00:15:52)

Alec Peters and Robert Meyer Burnett

Diana Kingsbury

Brandon-Shea Mutala (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Bobby Tucker (Associate Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Aaron Harvey and Tony Robinson (Show Art)

You can listen to the Podcast here.



Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • kenny smith says:

    Here is my way, don’t buy no video, and go tovno films that Parmount stuido have put out and then go to gofundme and kickstarter both and just keep all of your work on just the internet and let people login to down load from a site that both paramount and cbs can’t come after you.

  • Edward Cox says:

    Great to hear the optimism and the future has brightened at last. Your likely to put more in those two 15 minute segments than most. It never was quantity it was quality and you’ve proven your ability in the arena.

    Got a lot of work to do. Looking forward to the product.

    Thanks for hanging tough! What can I do to help you towards completion.

    Edward J Cox

  • Elliott says:

    I think you’re missing a link to

  • Brian Heite says:

    Nice to hear from you folks that all was not lost. When the Summit is done, it will be time to start ramping up the interest, and see what support options there are to take this through the end. You should also give consideration of taking your talents far afield, I would say you could do Honor Harrington (David Weber property) a fantastic job, maybe make it a series, and it would draw in all the Trek fans who have given up on CBS, as well as the huge HH fans everywhere. The opportunities are endless, in doing something with an existing concept, or even a totally new one.

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