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Captain’s Log – Nov. 9th, 2016

By November 9, 2016Captain's Log


Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

Well, a week or so ago, someone was complaining that they couldn’t find their name on the Axanar Donor Page on our website, which looks like this:

And can be found here:

So in the interest of making it easy to use and eliminating user error, our brilliant and capable Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Bill Watters, took some time to make a brilliant change in our system.  Now when you are in Ares Digital, you will see this on your dashboard:


So all you have to do is click on the link that says “Click To View On Donor Wall” and it not only takes you to exactly where your name is on the Donor Wall, but it highlights and Frames it in Red!

Pretty simple!  If you have any issues using this, just send an email to Diana at   Note that Diana is very busy working FULL TIME to fulfill patches and other donations from Donor Central, so please be patient.

And thanks again to Bill Watters.  He is not only brilliant and dedicated, but he does what he says he will do, and he does it promptly.  THANK YOU BILL!!




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