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Captain’s Log – Oct. 22nd, 2016

By October 22, 2016Captain's Log


Saturday, October 22nd, 2016

While I am taking a break from the Captain’s Log till we are done with depositions, some really important lawsuit news happened.  Yesterday, our legal team (and CBS/Paramount’s) argued our Motion to Compel Discovery.  And our team got almost everything we wanted, including requiring CBS/Paramount to divulge financial data for Star Trek for 2009-2016.

Read all about it on the only real place for Axanar Lawsuit News, Fan Film Factor.

Frankly, CBS & Paramount have been stonewalling the legal proceedings, with Paramount having failed to produce a SINGLE email, and failing to produce any evidence of the damages they claim.  Judge Eick (the magistrate judge hearing the motion) basically told the CBS/Paramount lawyers that they were treading on thin ice.

So, we will keep you posted.


Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • kenny smith says:

    My name is kenneth L Smith and i go ny this name kenny Smith and i want to know that if everyone is going to be free to do other project as part of star trek and will both paramount studio and cbs will not come after us who like star trek and do we get to do what we want to do?

  • Edward J Cox says:

    Maintain a civil tone and stay calm. This is looking good for you so far. Don’t get to vocal until it is done.

  • Good things come to those who wait !
    Besides, our Cap’n has said for everyone to “CHILLAX” !!! Now, to follow a chain-of-command system, we have to follow orders ! Too bad we Axanarians don’t have a way to utilitize a Parlimentary Procedure or “Roger’s Rule of Order”, (no relation to me, btw), & have an Axanar Sgt-@-Arms to enforce it. Can ya mail someone a bitch-slap ?? LoL Can ‘Amazon’ drone deliver one yet ?? Just give ’em time. But, for the meantime ….. sit down, shut up & hang on, until OUR CAP’N tells us otherwise !!! AP may not be “that” insurance company, but we are in “good hands” !! LL&P
    R. Robertson
    Lt. Exec Commander (self-promoted)
    Starfleet Command
    P.S. Big kudos & TY’s to Miss D for all she does & to B. Watters for his superb skills & efforts, shown in creating ARES 2.0 !! It looks & works great Bill !!!

  • Lt. Exec Comm R. Robertson says:

    Stardate: 10242016
    (So how do they calculate that anyway ???)
    Sorry, Cap’n, but it be’s that way sometimes ! If I’ve overstepped my parimeters or stepped-in-it, so to speak, my apologies to our upper command, but now & then, the “needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few” !! Y’all don’t make me find a rolled-up newspaper …
    Also, did anyone else catch the Enterprise episode that was on last night on H&I digital ? Our own, a much younger Ambassador Soval, was guest starring last night & was giving their Cap’n his best Vulcan voodoo techniques !! (Great episode, btw, to GG !!!)

  • Disinvited says:

    Something for your legal defenders to muse over:

    Why does Harlan Ellison’s 1975 published copyright to his original script for the episode, THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER, continually bowl Paramount/CBS over despite their prior 1968 published copyright to it in the Bantam Books, STAR TREK 2? Why do they keep settling with him out of court?

    Could it be that once they published these scripts via the Bantam Books, STAR TREK 1 through 11, Desilu needed to assert those books’ copyrights in some way over the air prior to their public rendering via the play of the unpublished film prints of the first 38 episodes, which bore no copyright mark of any kind, airing on the public airwaves via the series strip rerun syndication from February 1968 on? Would the fact that Paramount continued to air those episodes with no prior to air indication of their books’ copyrights cause the court to entertain a motion that both Desilu and Paramount, in so doing, surrendered the copyrights of those published books to the public domain?

  • Sam Sahlin says:

    I sure hope Luke and Han are in the next one, that would rock!!!!

  • Jeff Patterson says:

    This whole lawsuit smells of a delay tactic. CBS/Paramount learned of a theater quality fan film containing events & aspects
    That their new Star Trek; Discovery will contain. CBS/Paramount doesn’t want Axanar to be released before Discovery
    It is rumored that Discovery will told from the 1st Officer’s point of view & the Captain may be Garth of Izar.
    It is also stated that a historical event in TOS cannon triggers the construction & mission of Discovery,It could be
    The battle of Axanar. It is also said that Axanar events are placed 25 years before TOS & Discovery events take place 10 years before TOS
    CBS/Paramount doesn’t want to have adjust Discovery to align with a fan film

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