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Captain’s Log – Oct. 4th, 2016

By October 9, 2016Captain's Log


Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Fan Film Factor is the only objective source of news on the Axanar Lawsuit.  While other blogs are written by arm chair lawyers with an agenda, Fan Film Factor is written by Jonathan Lane, who not only is married to an attorney, but has multiple lawyers, including a former top industry lawyer, who give him honest feedback on the case.

Jonathan Lane’s first part in his two part article this week really gets to the heart of the issues at hand.  So if you want to know what is going on in the lawsuit and what the actual issues are that the case will be decided on, check out Jonathan’s blog:

AXANAR LAWSUIT discovery phase heats up! (Part 1)

And thank to Jonathan for taking the time to really understand the case.



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