Saturday October 1st – Sunday, October 2nd
This weekend we got delivery of all the costume components for the Klingon costumes that were being made by Mike Lugin, a great friend of Axanar and awesome artist. Mike has been working on these for a year, but we basically put the project on hiatus while the lawsuit was going on. Mike finally had time to finish them and dropped them off this weekend. They are all pretty damn amazing and made of resin so they will take a beating. There is a toe cap, a greave, and a knee cap.

All the costume parts lined up!

Artist extraordinaire Mike Lugin with one of his creations.

Klingon Toe Caps

Klingon Leg Greaves
And the original concept art:

The original Simon Lissaman Klingon concept art for the Klingon costume.

The original Greave/Knee Cap sketch
And of course, here is the costume we got made:

The Klingon Tunic
Thanks to Mike!
The toe cap picture threw me for a second. My first response was “What, FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL TOES!? Jesus Christ, Klingon toes are HUGE(The picture of all the parts resembling a skeletal foot did not help at ALL)!” Then coffee was consumed and my brain realized that it was OKAY to work this early in the morning. 🙂
HA HA HA Well, I am a morning person even uncaffeinated.