Monday, September 19th, 2016
So today lets talk about Perks, the special items you get when you donated to Axanar through our Kickstarter, our Indiegogo, or through PayPal.
Two big things have delayed perk delivery:
First, in 2015, after Diana had used Backerkit (the address collection and donor management system) to manage the Prelude to Axanar Kickstarter, and found it lacking, we decided to build our own system. Our technologist at the time told us he could replicate the system and so we chose to go that route and Ares Digital was born. Unfortunately we waited 10 months and still the system went uncompleted. We finally made the decision to get another technologist on the case as it was clear that otherwise we would never get a completed system delivered. So we elevated Axanar co-producer and all around technology all-star Bill Watters to Chief Technology Officer and asked him to build a complete Ares Digital. Well, in just 6 weeks Bill has created a better and more robust system than the uncompleted previous version. But unfortunately we lost 10 months and that is why we still haven’t shipped the patches from the Axanar Kickstarter!
Bill keeps making the new system better. Already Ares Digital 2.0 is set up so you can go and enter your current shipping address and start downloading your digital perks. (Please see Diana’s instructions here). We will shortly be able to print out the labels for all your addresses and start shipping the patches from the Kickstarter.
The Kickstarter patches were purchased in 2014 and been sitting in envelopes waiting to ship for over a year. Now, thanks to Bill and the new Ares Digital, we will get those out to you all shortly. We will also be ordering the patches from the Indigogo this month and get those out next.

Two of the Indiegogo patches – Sonya and Sam’s ship patches!
The second thing that affected perk delivery was the lawsuit. Because we should have been finished Axanar by now, but we chose to delay production until we resolved the lawsuit. And because we haven’t made the movie yet, well, we can’t very well deliver DVD’s and Blu-rays!
However, Diana has been working on a strategy and we have all the perks that we owe laid out as to what we can deliver and when. Here are a few tidbits
- Some perks were already delivered, like the Star Trek TOS books, the First Day of Production Clappers and such.
- Patches will be sent out as described above. Kickstarter first, then Indiegogo.
- Tunics will be sent as soon as we have them. (Kate Bergh, our intrepid costume designer and I are going to see the samples tomorrow!).
- After that, all perks will be delivered together in one shipment, so we will have to wait until we figure out what the DVD/Blu-Ray will entail. But scripts, T-shirts, and the like will all go out with the DVD/Blu-Ray in one shipment.
Of course this leads to the question, will we be making Axanar? And the answer is YES. But it may take a different form than the 100 minute movie we planned. One possibility is that it will be more episodes in The Four Years War documentary series that Prelude to Axanar was part III of. Much depends on the legal outcome of the lawsuit.
And there will definitely be a documentary about the battle for Axanar that covers everything from the beginnings of my very first Garth story 25 years ago, to my turn as Garth in Star Trek New Voyages to Prelude to Axanar through pre-production on Axanar through the lawsuit.
So please be patient, and we will get you everything we set out to from the beginning!
Thank you for the cheery update, Alex! I look forward with great interest to what clever way you and the team surmount this year’s obstacles… it seems to me that if there weren’t strategic and tactical difficulties, it wouldn’t be truly Axanar! I still have every confidence, having downloaded my digital perk of Prelude to Axanar yesterday and watched it again. I had been watching it on Youtube, which is fine, but the donor perk download was spectacular. Just goes to show good things come to those who wait. LLAP
Thats good news all around. Your effort in all this will not be forgotten.. and offcourse that goes for all people involved in axanar.
On the Ajax and Hercules patches,……..who commands which ship?
Ajax = Sonya Alexander
Hercules = Sam Travis
Blu Rays/DVD’s will still be available after the completion of Axanar? That’s not a violation of copyright? Is it because they were promised before the lawsuit hit?
I ask purely for purposes of information and clarity.
They may not be available if we lose the lawsuit. If we win, they will.
And one way or another, we will be sending out Blu Rays and DVD’s.