Hey, everyone… today is Super-Duper-Important News Day here at Axanar HQ!
You may have already seen my posts in the Facebook Donors Group, and you might have already opened a flashy email from us. But, we like to operate on the premise that there’s so much info floating around out there, it’s easy to miss things… and this news is so important, we want to make sure you don’t miss anything! So, with that in mind, I’m gonna run through it one more time, right here. Ready or not, let’s have that drumroll, please…!

Bill Watters and Diana Kingsbury. (Yes, we occasionally get to do non-Axanar stuff…)
Our digital delivery system is back online … Introducing ARES DIGITAL 2.0 !
Everyone here at AXANAR Productions is excited to announce the rollout of our all-new digital delivery and account management system, Ares Digital 2.0! Rebuilt from the ground up, Ares Digital 2.0 is a powerful platform, capable of providing you, our donors, with the digital perks your donation level(s) entitle you to. In addition, each donor’s information will be stored there… from your contact email and shipping address to detailed listings of donations made and the associated perks which accompany those donation levels.
Our Chief Technology Officer, Bill Watters, has created a system tailored to our donors needs. All you need to do is go to Ares Digital 2.0 (http://digital.axanar.com/index.php) where you will be prompted to enter your email address (making sure to use the email address used when your donation was made!), then create a new password for your Ares Digital 2.0 account. You will then be prompted to enter your current shipping address.
Once all your information is updated, you’ll be able to download any of the digital perks you’re entitled to based on level of financial support. You’ll also find links to our Donor Station where you can browse other digital assets and merchandise available for additional donations. 100% of your donations always goes towards Axanar’s production and operations.
If you have any problems accessing the system or making the changes you need to your records, let us know by sending us an email to tech@axanar.com.
Please remember that initially, Ares Digital 2.0 will still have a few things needing to be added to it with regards to digital perks and other items. So if there are any issues you encounter, give it a little bit of time, then let us know. (Bill is quick to respond and wants to make sure Ares Digital 2.0 is the best system of its kind around.)
And starting this month–once those shipping addresses have been entered by all of you!–the patches from the Axanar Kickstarter will start shipping! So, stay tuned to the Fulfillment Blog for additional details, news, etc. 🙂
May you Live Happy,
~Diana Kingsbury
I have no worries about my perk rewards, not with the likes of Miss D & Bill Watters on the job !!!