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Axanar Productions Answers Amended Complaint, Files Counterclaim

By May 24, 2016May 29th, 2016Axanar News

Axanar_Logos_noTrek_bev_strokeAxanar Productions official statement regarding the answer to the amended complaint and counterclaim filed in the copyright infringement lawsuit with CBS Studios and Paramount Pictures Corporation:

Yesterday, Axanar Productions, through its law firm Winston & Strawn, filed a response to the first amended complaint filed by CBS Studios and Paramount Pictures. The response includes a Counterclaim for Declaratory Relief that previews Axanar Productions’ fair use defense, provides substantive background on how Alec Peters operated in good faith in his dealings with the Plaintiffs, and describes Alec’s fruitless four year struggle with CBS to obtain fan film guidelines.

This filing was necessary because, despite J.J. Abrams’ assurance that the lawsuit would be “going away,” and confirmation that CBS is in settlement talks and finally working on fan film guidelines, Paramount and CBS have not yet dismissed the lawsuit. Axanar Productions must therefore meet deadlines set by the court and proceed as if the lawsuit will continue until the situation is resolved.

We’re also still working to address the concerns of CBS and Paramount in a manner that will allow us to produce AXANAR, and satisfy over 10,000 backers and fans as well as the tens of thousands who have rallied to our side on social media and in public.

Regardless of the outcome, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the words of support and encouragement we’ve received from J.J. Abrams and Justin Lin (as well as many other professionals in the filmmaking community). We are especially thankful for the support we continue to receive from our fans and backers.

You can download a copy of the filing here: Answer to FAC and Counterclaim

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