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Captain’s Log – May 14-15th, 2016

By May 19, 2016Captain's Log

The Pilot

This weekend was the weekend of Sci Fest!  Sci Fest is the Los Angeles Science Fiction one act play festival.  It is in its third year and I have gone from fan and contributor to the board of directors.  And this year the special event was a script reading of “The Pilot” the Gene Roddenberry biopic that is in pre-production.

Mike Bawden, our intrepid PR director, was in town for strategic planning meetings for Axanar Productions and the studio, so he got to join us Saturday.  Sci Fest is broken into two “programs” Program A and Program B.  Plus there are different events around the Festival, such as script readings and this year, a short film festival that Prelude to Axanar will be shown in!


Mike Bawden and Alec at the offices

So Saturday night was Program B, which was really impressive.  5 different One Act Plays, including some really wonderful actors you would recognize.


Crysstal and Mike with the Sci-Fest program.

The next night, Sunday, we got to see a script reading of The Pilot, written, and soon to be directed by James Darling.  It is a biopic of Gene Roddenberry and tells the story of how the two Star Trek pilots were made.  The script reading had Eddie McClintock of Warehouse 13 as Gene Roddenberry.

I brought David Gerrold along as I am sure he would have insights.  Of course he had a short recognition in the script!  Sure enough, all night he would lean over to me and say “That didn’t happen.”, “That is right”, or some such commentary.  And after I introduced him to James the director and we are all planning to have dinner together soon.


David, Crysstal and Alec


So, that is it for this week!  Next week we will have some insights into the Star Trek Beyond Fan Event at Paramount!


Alec Peters


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  • Charles says:

    Nice Alec…looks like a great time was had by all….and here I sit, on the other side of Hollywood… 😉 looking forward to seeing you guys at Dragoncon…

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