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Captain’s Log – May 5th, 2016

By May 9, 2016Captain's Log
Texas Plate

Bobby Fletcher owns Texas!

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

First, Ken Burnside of Ad Astra Games has got his Squadron Strike: Axanar game spooling up!

Game Cards

SS Axanar

More details on the game coming soon!

Many of you know this face:


Well ensign Boomer now has his own squadron, and thus his own patch:

Boomer Patch

You can get the Boomer patch for a small donation, and a portion goes to an animal charity Diana picked out!

As to the patches from the first Kickstarter that have been sitting by Diana’s desk for 9 months while we have waited for Terry to finish Ares Digital?  Well, we decided that if Ares digital isn’t finished by the end of the month, we will either use Backer Kit or use Kickstarter directly to generate the labels to ship these out.  I am sure you would all like those patches, and I am VERY tired of them not being sent out.  So we will get these to you shortly!
New Patches

The first four patches above are from the Axanar Kickstarter.  The fifth is from the Axanar Indiegogo and the Starfleet Disaster Response was available in special events like our charity fundraisers.  (It will be available again).

That’s it for now!

Alec Peters

Executive Producer

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