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Captain’s Log – April 28th, 2016

By May 1, 2016Captain's Log


Thursday, April 28th, 2016

The Language Creation Soceity’s amicus brief has created a flood of publicity and is being written up overseas as well as here in the US.  A bunch of legal as well as industry and international media has picked up the story.

Lawyer Herald

The World Intellectual Property Review



PJ Media

Fusion   (A really good article)

HR 4.28.16

Meanwhile Eriq Gardner over at the Hollywood Reporter has been following the trial and wrote about yesterday’s amicus brief submission to the court.

You can read the Hollywood Reporter article here.

All of this publicity is ultimately good in that it makes more people aware of Star trek fan films.

Meanwhile, I am jumping on a plane to spend the weekend with my godsons and celebrate my Mom’s 80th birthday!

More tomorrow.  Thanks for your support!


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • John DiIorio says:

    The latest friendly amicus brief supporting Alex Peters is on the Klingon language non-ownership. I would like to add this goes for many languages: Dead societies like Mayan, thirteen centuries ago; Old latin (circa 750 BCE) and new latin (circa 1500); The language difference between old Greek (20 letters) and new Greek (26 letters); Klingon being taught as a course for the Adult Education Program at University of Minnesota-Duluth back in the early 70’s; The language used in the “Lords of the Rings” series or any other series; and Bureaucratese, the abbreviation language used by the Defense Department in their legal contracts. More later…

  • Paramount is *indeed* being “arrogant” and “pathetic” in claiming the Klingon language…

    …they, and bad robot deserve to be made to look as stupid as possible over this! =(

  • Julie Danher says:

    The Klingon language is a “real” language just as much as Esperanto, but with more practical applications. For Example, Klingon is used as an international language by the recorded tour guide at the Jenolan Caves, NSW. So far, nobody has gotten lost!

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