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Captain’s Log – April 19th, 2016

By April 25, 2016Captain's Log

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

There is often so much we can’t talk about at Axanar. The lawsuit especially.  But what I can tell you is that we are hard at work every day.  Diana is always in the office and shipping perks and items that you loyal donors get for your donations.

I usually work from home till about 11am and then go to Diana’s apartment and feed Boomer (which is honestly one of the highlights of my day as he is absolutely the fluffiest, sweetest cat in the galaxy).  Then it is off to the studio.

Rob comes it at all strange hours and is working on the Origins Blu-ray, which should be ready in about 90 days.


Curtis Short, who will be managing the soundstage moving forward is focused on the finishing off of the space. While we are not shooting Axanar, it’s critical we rent out the soundstage and green screen so we can continue to pay the $ 15,000 a month in rent and utilities. Downstairs, work continues on finishing the dressing rooms, make up and wardrobe areas.

The power upgrades have been completed, so now the facility has enough power to operate as a fully-functional soundstage.  These upgrades, along with the green screen and lighting grid, bring the space up to industry standards.

Now, if we can just get back to making Axanar! (I’ll write more on that at a later date).


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  • Scott says:

    It would sure be nice to see the studio become 100% self sustaining. Then the lawsuit simply becomes an inconvenience to get through before you can finish Axanar.

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