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Captain’s Log – April 10th, 2016

By April 11, 2016April 13th, 2016Captain's Log

Ares Wood

Well, I took some time off from the Captain’s Log as we had a VERY busy week last week.  Unfortunately, what I find happening, is more and more the things we are doing and working on, we simply can’t talk about.  And that means it is harder to come up with cool stuff to share with  you all on a daily basis.  So my apologies, and I will try and do a bit better!

Plus there will be some major announcements coming in the near future that our amazing PR duo of Mike Bawden and Morey Altman are crafting the messaging on now.  Of course everything gets run by Erin Ranahan, our ace attorney.  I have to say, dealing with such amazing professional business people like Erin, Andrew, Mike & Morey makes me feel so good about the future of Axanar.

Also, donors can get this VERY cool little USS Ares model in the donor store.  Created by Axanar prop maker Thomas Moore, you can get one for a very small donation!


Ares Wood 2

Meanwhile from Canada…


Timmins Today

A comment by a city councilor at the last Timmins City Council meeting brought out some unusual citizens this evening

“On Monday, April 4, Timmins City Council was discussing the merits of supporting the Northern  Ontario Expo. During this session, Councilor Joe Campbell made some remarks that were disparaging of costumers, and questioned the value of the Northern Ontario Expo to the city,” said Karen Hutchison A.K.A. Lieutenant tlharnoQ tai-Mk’naj, Commanding Officer of IKV Crimson Dawn in a message to TimminsToday this weekend.

tai-Mk’naj later sent an update saying the Klingon Assault Group (KAG) had received correspondence from Councillor Campbell saying he apologized for causing offense and would join KAG at it’s fundraising event at the upcoming Northern Ontario Expo.”


I will be back with more tomorrow!


Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Brandon Atkinson says:

    Can’t find the wood model. In the donor store

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Brandon, the wood models are in the Donor Store under “models”; you’ll find them easily if you go to the second page.

  • Jerry says:

    If the Axanar affair ever goes to jury trial, you need Klingon witnesses ready to butt heads with the studio lawyers. Q’plah!

  • Roy says:

    I betcha Judge Klausner won’t allow any Klingons in his court room. Just sayin’.

    • ED STRAKER says:

      I don’t see why Judge Klausner wouldn’t allow Klingons in the courtroom.
      Paramount and CBS argues they don’t exist. lol.

  • Josh Spencer says:

    Ay yi yi! [Smacks Forehead]!

  • Glad that our appearance at city hall amused you! We actually achieved the best result we could have hoped for. Apologies from those council members who were involved in making rude remarks about the cosplay community, support for the Northern Ontario Expo including several council members stating that they will drop by our booth at the show, see what its all about and maybe even throw on a set of extra ridges for a photo opportunity as part of the fundraiser we are doing for the local cadet corps this year. I think they learned, you do NOT declare war on the Klingons!

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