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Captain’s Log – April 1st, 2016

By April 2, 2016Captain's Log


Friday, April 1st, 2016

Allow me to take this April Fool’s Day edition of the Captain’s Log for something personal. My Mom’s birthday!

Happy 80th Birthday to my Mom!  Yesterday was my Mom’s 80th birthday and she is doing great.  Here she is at Christmas with my Dad when I visited them in Clearwater, FL.

And here is why my Mom’s birthday is relevant.  When I was a wee lad of 8 years old in 1968, when the third season of TOS got moved to 10:00pm on Friday night, well that was past my 8:00pm bed time. And I was a huge Star Trek fan.  So my Mom would put me to bed at 8:00 and wake me up at 10:00 to watch Star Trek, then put me back to bed after!  How awesome is that?

And you wonder why I am such a big Star Trek geek?  Well thank Momma Peters!

And I actually got to tell Leonard Nimoy that story when I saw him outside the legendary Jerry’s Deli in Studio City when he was coming out of Shatner’s attorney’s office next door.  I TOTALLY fanboyed on him, I admit it.  🙂   But it was worth it.  Certainly a great memory.

So thanks to the best Mom in the world who I love dearly!


P.S.  If you still need your April Fool’s Day fix, go here.


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Edward says:

    The next time you are in the st. Pete Clearwater area we need to meet!!!!!

  • RodF says:

    Now that is an awesome story…thanks for sharing!

  • Ditto!
    I live in Clearwater too!
    We met briefly at comicon as you and Diana were on the way to Rob’s starships panel and I was heading out of the con Sunday.
    Thanks to Diana too for sending my donor perk of one of the signed first day shoot lanyards. It arrived with wonderful timing back on March 21st. My birthday!

    Keep up the good fight and the amazing story telling.


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