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Captain’s Log – March 22nd, 2016

By March 26, 2016Captain's Log

Candorville 2

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Darrin Bell, an amazing cartoonist, featured Axanar in his latest strip “Candorville”.  Darrin is a talented Los Angeles artist and you can find all of his work on his website

Darrin promises that Lamont is a big fan of Axanar and we will see more Axanar in Candorville!

Meanwhile, the sets stand idle at the moment!

Bridge Copy

But you know we have things planned….


Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Michael Miyabara-McCaskey says:

    Great pic of the studio, makes me want to order a 7mm lens for my camera. 🙂

  • …time to build the engineering set? =P

    …this lawsuit is REALLY making me HATE TPTB =(


  • JustAfan says:

    Great picture of the sets. Looks like you guys were close to completing! I can see on station on the bridge with graphics.

    Let’s hope you can get this all sorted out with CBS amicably and get Axanar shot and completed.

  • Sandy Greenberg says:

    You were supposedly just a few weeks away from filming when the lawsuit hit. I used to build sets for a living and and they look like they need more than “just a few weeks”.

    • Mike Bawden, PR Director says:

      Everyone is entitled to an opinion, Sandy. We’ll go with the opinion of our director and behind-the-camera crew.

      It’s all irrelevant now, though, since we’ve suspended production due to the lawsuit and have put everything back on the table for a second look so we can address concerns raised by CBS and Paramount and then get back into production and tell the story of AXANAR over 10,000 fans and backers have given us money to produce.

    • Paul Christian Jenkins says:

      It did seem like work on the sets was going a little slow. I would read the Captain’s log, and a month would go by and you guys would show pictures of a Klingon shin-guard. I don’t think it would take weeks to make a foam rubber shin-guard, or simply putting in the carpet.

      [Editor’s Note: Hi Paul, I think it’s important to address the various concerns you’ve raised in this post on a point-by-point basis, so here goes:

      First off, we understand how it can seem the progress on AXANR might have been “a little slow” – everyone has different expectations as to how long a project like a movie should take. Everyone’s experience differs. It’s safe to say that what Alec published in his Captain’s Log blog posts did not constitute the entirety of all the work being done on the AXANAR feature.

      And the comment about the foam rubber shinguard refers, I believe to Alec’s March 5th post providing an update on the Klingon costumes. This was over 60 days since the lawsuit was filed and our voluntary suspension of most pre-production work, so to see a noticeable drop-off in progress on production during the preceding two months should not have come as a surprise. To suggest otherwise seems a bit disingenuous. Then again …]

      I like Prelude to Axanar, however raising money for a project where legal challenges are entirely foreseeable, without full disclosure of those possible legal challenges to potential donors, seems a little bit disingenuine.

      [Editor’s Note: While we’re talking about being disingenuous, let’s take a look at this criticism.

      First off, with over 200 Star Trek fan films in existence at the time of the beginning of our crowdfunding efforts, calling the possibility of legal challenges “foreseeable” is not reasonable. In fact, with no challenges, calls, warnings, letters or other communications expressing concerns from CBS or Paramount through our first Kickstarter campaign, the release of PRELUDE TO AXANAR, our second Kickstarter campaign or our Indiegogo campaign, we took CBS at their word when they said they’d let us know if we went too far.

      Secondly, there was disclosure in each crowdfunding campaign about the possible consequences of CBS’s intervention in the production. To suggest otherwise is – how’d you put it – disingenuous.]

      Also, a crew of 4 carpenters, each earning $200 a day, is $4,000 a week, or $16,000 a month. It seems like 2-3 months of a crew working 8 hours a day would have finished the sets by now, and only for about $30,000 – $50,000.

      [Editor’s Note: We didn’t have a crew of four carpenters, we had a crew of two and all sets were designed from scratch – these are not re-dressed TOS-era sets since the story of AXANAR takes place 21 years before the TOS-era. Axanar Productions has invested a great deal of time and effort with artists, designers, production designers, set decorators, costume designers, etc. to create a specific look and feel that fits in the timeline and feels like it’s authentic to Star Trek.]

  • Allan Levine says:

    What can we do to help????????????????

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