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Captain’s Log – March 10th, 2016

By March 14, 2016Captain's Log


Thursday, March 10th, 2016

So today I thought I would discuss how much money we spent on the trip to Phoenix to shoot The Four Years War documentary.

Critics like to complain about how we spend money.  And they can only do that because we are so transparent and post everything about our finances (funny how that works). Of course none of them have actually made a film like this, so what do they know?  But lets go over what we spend, so you, our loyal donors, know.

So when we decided to make The Four Years War documentary, we needed two people, John Theisen, the original writer of the FASA supplement (who lives in Phoenix), and Stephen Fender, who wrote the Four Years War novels (and lives in Seattle).


Stephen Fender and John Theisen

Frank Kraljic and Associate Producer Bill Watters, both volunteered their time to be camera men, Bill even flying down from San Francisco on his dime!

John graciously offered a two day rental of a time share he has for free.  We flew Stephen down ($261) and Rob and I drove in (gas both ways was about $ 100).  We paid for our meals, and the meals of the crew during the shoot (figure $ 250).  Add a $ 300 camera rental and the shoot cost us about $ 900.

And for that, we not only got enough footage for the documentary to be about an hour, but we got additional interviews for the Deluxe Blu-Ray special features.  And that is how it is done!

Alec Peters

Executive Producer

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • James says:

    Great job! I’m no attorney, but I wonder if John and Stephen still own the copyrights on their works and if Axanar falls under that.

  • Maryann Barto says:

    Fancy footwork from dedicated people. Great job !!!!

  • Carl Rhodes says:

    Great job Alec. This sounds like hot stuff for the documentary. We are looking forward to it…

  • Bob Franklin says:

    You bring a shoot in for less than a tenth of what it SHOULD cost & some folks still feel the need to complain. Nice…

  • Doug says:

    Great job guys! I was expecting the cost to be much higher.

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