Axanar may have temporarily halted production (while we wait for the legal team to work things through), but that certainly doesn’t mean we’ve been idle here at the studio! No, there are always creative jobs to be done (we have a lot of fun things planned!); public relations tasks; doing legwork for upcoming conventions and events; endless meetings; and of course, whatever fulfillment can be accomplished. 🙂
So, in the middle of all our daily work, it’s always wonderful to hear from our fans/donors, reminding us how excited you are about the project! Your enthusiastic support means the world to us, from lovely comments on our blogs here on the website; to positive posts on our Facebook pages; to friendly emails, messages, and snail-mails; to in-person encouragement, when someone local catches us, or all those visits to our booths at conventions.

A really nice “thanks for all the hard work” card…
And sometimes, we even get a totally-unexpected li’l something that goes WAY BEYOND, out of the blue… like this sweet (and yummy!) surprise:

“IStandWithAxanar” cookies!!! 😀
(Probably a really good thing for our collective waistlines that we don’t get things like THIS too often, lol… but how AWESOME are those cookies, right?!)
Peace, Love, & Axanar
Sweet literally 🙂
Thanks to that stupid lawsuit, Axanar news has been skimpy lately so I appreciate posts like this. Thank you for all your hard work Diana.
I’ll second that Robert. I and I guess everyone else knows just how hard you and the Axarnar team are working and prevented from producing new posts as you have far more pressing matters to deal with this coming week. Just remember lots of people love what you have all done Diana and Co and will be supporting you with positive thoughts and wishes during these dark days. All the best to Ensign Boomer too.
I came here looking for the best biscuits in the galaxy !
Well here we are February 22 and had rough night last night as well as a lot of anxiety today. Any idea what time we could hope to hear about the outcome today in court?
There will be no “outcome” today. Today is merely a filing deadline.
Really well I guess I’ll start breathing again . So what’s the next step ?