Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
Today we look at the costumes. Specifically the greaves we are building for the Klingon costumes. Our ace fabricator Mike Lugin is on this and is building them based on Assistant Art Director Simon Lissaman’s designs.

Building the mold

And a finished greave. The sides are being modified to be shorter so they fit over a boot better.
Around the office, Diana is shipping out the next batch of Axanar miniatures for donors.

Diana at work shipping the Bergstrom models!

Bags of models waiting to be shipped!
More tomorrow as we visit Wardrobe designer Kate Bergh’s place to see the Klingon costumes.
Alec Peters
Executive Producer
…well, as a faux boot front, it looks great! especially the chevrons texture! however…
as a greave, IMHO it needs a little more… yes, I’d say cut off the ankle flaps completely…
…and add a (possibly jointed) knee cap, like it originally had, like this perhaps:
…then, just re-size them for the arm braces 😉
…and leave a little room underneath for padding / straps? …these are the guards I wear:
…those boots are not bad, but need a more chunky military sole (and a foot horn?) 😉
keep up the great work, you guys! =)
…the (pewter?) USS Ares mini is *COOL*!! =D