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Captain’s Log – Feb 1st, 2016

By February 3, 2016Captain's Log

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Monday, February 1st, 2016

The first day of February finds us still moving into the new offices.  The offices are still being finished.  Dom is doing a great job painting and putting in the ceiling panels.  He has to finish the prop & costume lockup and the fulfillment room, along with the small storage room (which is basically for all my stuff!).  But this is good as we are getting the entire studio organized.  Everyone feels good about the move upstairs and is focused on making things happen.

Meanwhile, downstairs Rob took one of our showcases and moved it into his office so he could display all his Hot Toys figures!  Yeah, that was me yelling “Stop playing with your toys and get some work done!”.


Today are the photos of the digital bridge we got from Adam “Mojo” Liebowitz.  This set will be an important part of the D-6 scenes.  As you can tell, it is pretty impressive stuff!  And we already have a captain’s chair and consoles that Dean and Dom built.  These digital elements can be removed and the practical elements put in.

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