The office starts with my desk, some bookshelves and a few trinkets!
Friday – Sunday, January 29-31st, 2016
Well, I had to make a one day trip to Las Vegas, but when I got back I got to spend two days moving up to my new office! Finally, after a year in the lobby, our offices are ready to move in (though not fully finished – there are still doors that need to go in and some missing lights!). Rob helped me move my desk and the bookshelves and I started moving up my boxes, of which I have a ton, after.

Of course the first thing that goes on the desk is the USS Ares!
And to top it off, my good friend Carolan Prisco sent me my favorite mint chocolate chip cookies to cheer me up. She has been following some of the hater nonsense and just goes to show that most people are cool!
So THANK YOU Carolan!
Meanwhile, everyone in the Axanr Fan Group on Facebook has been amazing. Our fans are simply the best, so thank you all!
Alec Peters
OMG Alec, those biscuits look amazing. I hope you enjoy them and the office.
Congrats on the office. Now if only the powers that be lay off and let you finish your movie!
I can’t understand, with all the other fan sponsored/ created (not for profit) Star Trek shows/ movies already created, why they chose to attack this project? Perhaps, based on your previous release, it is a slick production that stays true to Star Trek and avoids all the nonsense brought to the recent three ST movies for commercialism’s sake?
I truly hope you and your project perseveres and shames the major studios for not getting their act together in time for Star Trek’s 50th anniversary.
As they say on Vulcan – Live long and prosper!
Captain Garth MUST have that model on his Ready Room desk in the movie.
I gotta say, being in the door business myself, when are you putting the doors in? It’s kinda driving me up the wall!
Hey dude, can you get us a deal on doors?
…your USS Ares model is SWEET! =)