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Captain’s Log – Jan. 12th, 2016

By January 16, 2016Captain's Log

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

Someone started a petition for us and we already have over 10,000 signatures!  Take note CBS, the fans want Axanar.


We should have some news this week on the law firms we are in discussions with to represent Axanar Productions.  I noted one know-it-all blogger said it would be impossible for us to find pro-bono representation.  Well, as with just about everything else this newly minted IP expert posted on that blog, that is just wrong.  We already have one firm agree to represent us and now we are just waiting to hear back from our first choice, a top 20 IP litigation firm that won a major copyright case recently.  So we are pretty excited about who we will have on our side one way or another.

We also have been getting a lot of requests for comment, or to appear on Podcasts.  Sorry, but we really can’t discuss the case at this point.  But I am happy to talk about Axanar in general, just expect a no comment on the lawsuit.



Meanwhile we are putting some finishing touches on the Klingon costumes. Here Simon Lissaman did some detail work on the undershirt.  This shows the stand collar, but not the sleeves, which he will add.


Alec Peters

Executive Producer


Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Scott says:

    I’m excited to see your take on Klingons. From what I’ve seen so far you’re giving them more depth then even DS9 did.

  • JSR says:

    Definitely got a signed from my end. I also promoted the petition. Axanar has come too far to be cancelled now.

  • I wish you luck with the Lawsuit. I hope a compromise is made that both parties feel is fair.

  • Abhijit says:

    Hi there from India,

    Just signed.
    Wanted to let you know that we are all rooting for you 🙂

    Star Trek has a played a positive role in our world. Axanar represents its essence.
    Its spans nations and generations. The creativity and energy it represents should flourish.


  • Quork says:

    Hello from Germany – just signed and promoted the petition! Let’s hope CBS give in. Otherwise the 160$ I donated to Axanar will be countered with exactly 0Ct spent for CBS products – and I guess I’d be anything, but the only one!

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