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Captain’s Log – Dec 31st, 2015

By January 3, 2016January 5th, 2016Captain's Log

Keep Calm

Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2015

Well, the day after the law suit hit the media was another whirlwind.  CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, as well as every major industry outlet, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, Deadline, all wanted to talk to us.  A LOT of free press and a ton of new donations coming in!

THANK YOU To everyone as you fans are just so positive.  Your deluge of emails and Facebook messages are most welcome.  Of course it is funny to watch the haters come out now.  People with no legal training or even the most basic knowledge of Axanar have an opinion.  Everyone is an expert on intellectual property law now! did a hatchet job of an article, and the author, who was told by her staff that her article was an opinion piece and not reporting, wouldn’t even sign her name.  But that is the difference between a blog and journalism….professionalism.

Meanwhile, Rob and Diana and I attended the New Year’s Eve party of producer friend Charlie Lauzirkia.  We had a great time and rang in what will be a great new year! Here’s to 2016!


Thank you all for your support!

Alec Peters

Executive Producer

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • …congrats on the free exposure! =D

    …u r like bernie sanders taking on hair hitler! =P

  • New Fan says:

    I also say congratulations because I have been unfortunate to not have known about Axanar up until last night when I simply Googled “Star Trek” and found Axanar and a screen capture of Gary Graham. You can count me as one more who is getting very excited about this film!

    Thank you!

  • William Clapie says:

    the movie will go one? the prequel looks great.


  • David says:

    This is so sad to see this sort of thing happen. What they should do is to allow the production, assist with it, and then partner with you folks to make some money off of it and put it in theaters. Then they will get money off of it, they get to protect the brand and retain all rights, and everybody wins, particularly the fans!

  • Cutis says:

    CBS is dead I the water and sinking. If there only argument is you a profit company because paid a few people. Then Goodwill must be for profit because the person you checks you out gets paid and do not for the church. Those guys standing up there do not do it for free. If getting paid means you become a profit based company. That would apply to every non profit charity and church turning them into a for profit company. Keep up the good fight.

  • Duane Bruner says:

    I haven’t bothered reading in a long time, but now I gotta read that the hatchet job article and leave a comment.

  • brian333 says:

    I have emailed every CBS email address I can find, and am now about to start on Paramount. This is what I am writing:

    “I have learned that the Independent production Axanar is being sued by CBS/Paramount. For many years CBS/Paramount has benefited from the loyalty and dedication of Trek Fans, who kept the series alive and on everyone’s mind over the decades when CBS/Paramount had no product to offer. The current success of Trek has nothing at all to do with CBS/Paramount, and everything to do with the fans who have kept the brand alive in spite of cancellations.

    Axanar is a fan-funded, fan-written, fan-acted, and fan-produced movie. It is a credit to Mr. Peters of Ares Studio that he managed to find professionals in the film industry who are also Trek Fans. It is in no way a threat to either future TV shows or to future big-budget Trek films, but with a bit of wisdom on the part of CBS/Paramount, it could become a massive advertisement of the Trek brand for which CBS/Paramount will have to pay nothing. What kind of company would sue someone for giving them free advertising?

    If CBS/Paramount had any sense, they would adopt Axanar, and they would adopt Ares Studios as well, encouraging them to produce many more small budget fan-films to fill in the gaps between the big-budget productions. If, as I believe because of this lawsuit, they have no brains at all, they will continue to press their suit, and in the process alienate the very fans they rely upon to shell out millions of dollars with every new ‘Official’ release.

    There is one thing that is certain: if Axanar is quashed, CBS will never see a single subscription from me on their new streaming service.”

  • John M. DiIorio says:

    I’ve read the entire CBS/Paramount complaint. Does the Plaintiff understand how many crowdfunded fan based organizations from 1.32 million to fifty thousand dollars there are making Star Trek motion pictures and shows? My legal analysis on the complaint ranges from “subtle” to “racketeering”. Sure placing an injunction to delay AXANAR so it won’t compete with Star Trek Beyond is understandable, but why take the matter to U.S. District Court? Also, my company, Planet Forbidden Pictures (PFP), has copyright protection/ownership of the same technology (science fact) that CBS/Paramount claims is “fiction” or “fictional.” Should I sue them? I’m very supportive and confident that Alex Peters could convince a judge through a motion for summary judgement, otherwise. Of course, there is always “Can we talk”? Good luck.

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