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Captain’s Log – Dec 23rd -29th, 2015

By December 30, 2015January 3rd, 2016Captain's Log

Wednesday, Dec 23rd – Tuesday, 29th, 2015

Happy Holidays!   I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate, even Festivus!).  I was off to Florida to spend time with family and see my parents (Dad is 81 and Mom 79, so getting back to see them was important). Diana followed a day later, then flew home and went back to work for all of you on Sunday.

I also got to see my Godsons, who I love dearly. (there was much Lego to be had).

Anyway, before we left Rob and Milton did some time on the floor of the studio design shots for our impressive teaser.  Using his phone, Milton composes as if he was shooting live actors.  As Rob is famous for, he uses action figures and models!


Hoping everyone had a great holiday week!

Alec Peters

Executive Producer

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  • Philip Neidlinger says:

    It warms my heart to see two younguns playing with their toys on the floor around Christmas time! Have a prosperous New Years and God Bless!

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