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Captain’s Log – Dec 19-20th, 2015

By December 26, 2015January 3rd, 2016Captain's Log

Saturday – Sunday, December 19-20th, 2015

Holiday time is still hectic here at the studio.  And so while Diana spends all weekend shipping secret perks from the Axanar Indiegogo (These are special, current donor-only perks that we promised 2015 delivery on), everyone is doing something Axanar related.

Bridge Monitors

Curtis Short, who has been with me at Propworx since early 2009 and is now Ares Studio Manager, has also been bulldogging all the monitors for the bridge.  There are basically about 50 video monitors needed for the eye level monitors around the bridge.  They are almost all the same size and in 4×3 aspect ratio.  Now this size and aspect ratio monitor is not made anymore, so you have to buy them used.  Now most of the fan bridges around the country use translights, not actual monitors.  Star Trek: New Voyages started changing their bridge over a few years ago so that the port side is all monitors, where as the starboard side is still translights.  The difference is ASTONISHING.

So Charles Root, ST: NV’s Scotty and technical guru, has been helping Team Axanar for months now.  The difficulty in finding cheap monitors has been significant, but that is where Curtis Short comes in.  One of the most resourceful people you will find, Curtis found the monitors we needed for $ 17 a pop!  Previously Terry had thought they would cost us $ 100 apiece.  Well, Curtis found a supplier who had them cheap as he gets them from the government when the Feds upgrade.  So they are all the same model and in relatively good condition and tested.

After getting them Curtis installed them as well!  Curtis is VERY handy.

He also secured the larger monitors we are using for the upper sections, buying them all on Black Friday!

Meanwhile, Ben keeps painting!

And I am working on our investor documents for Ares Studios, which will be a separate entity from Axanar Productions as Axanar Productions will be a non-profit dedicated to Star Trek fan films and education and Ares Studio has got to sustain itself through rental of the facility.  Yeah, a lot of legalese!

Hoping you are all preparing for the holidays!

Alec Peters

Executive producer


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Brian Heite says:

    Awesomw qork folks! The donors should be gratified to see how well you folks are managing the resources and neat tricks you have come up with to make it work so well. The Pro studios should be over there getting notes on how to do this stuff right!

  • Brian Heite says:

    Opps spelling: Awesome Work folks!

  • Doug says:

    Great job everyone!

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