As 2015 draws to a close — and I am, for three straight days, NOT in the office working (yes, I’m shocked, too… but, never fear, still working –albeit from afar– on all the other things this producer has on her plate), I wanted to take a moment to catch everyone up on a little end-of-the-year news from Fulfillment HQ.
But first, a funny Boomer pic…

(Yes, he really IS that big. And vaguely annoyed with playing the jester, too, lol.)
Indiegogo “Secret Perks”:
Most of the AXANAR Indiegogo Secret Perks #1 and #2 have been shipped; the only ones not shipped (as of the beginning of the week) are ones for which donors have not yet logged into their Ares Digital accounts and provided current shipping information.
About half of the Secret Perks #3 have shipped, as well… until the very last PRELUDE to AXANAR Blu-ray was packaged and sent out! (Yes, PRELUDE really is that popular… and that freakin’ amazing! 😀 ) Delivery of more discs is expected by the end of the year, though, so shipping of the remainder of Secret Perks #3 (again, for those donors who have logged into their AD accounts and updated their shipping info) will resume once the New Year has dawned.
Axanar “Donors-Only Store”:
There will be a couple of new, limited-edition items in the Donors Store within the coming week, so stay tuned… 🙂

A bit of Christmas cheer on my desk at the studio (courtesy of a lovely donor)…
Finally, because such things simply cannot be said enough… a huge THANK YOU to all the donors and fans who have allowed us the opportunity to turn our dream into a reality. Making AXANAR is perhaps the biggest challenge that anyone on the team has ever taken on… a dream which has blossomed and grown from a relatively-modest little piece, to a massive and rather spectacular undertaking… and all of it, with your gracious support, continued encouragement, and unquenchable enthusiasm.
So we offer our sincere thanks, Axafriends and Axafamily, and wish you a wonderful ending to this year, and a beautiful beginning to 2016.
Live Long and Prosper,
Thank you for the update, Diana, and Happy Holidays! Enjoy your time off, you have more than earned it!
…what a FUR-BEAST! =P
“vaguely annoyed” looks more like: “…for this latest humiliation, i will barf in your slippers when u LEAST expect it” =P
(just kidding!)
Merry AX-mas, everybody! =D
Boomer is beautiful!!! He looks soooo unthrilled!
Happy Holidays!!!
Thanks for the update! 2016 is going to be a great year!
I got the calendar!!! I wonder what else is coming??