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Captain’s Log – Dec 17th, 2015

By December 20, 2015Captain's Log

Team Axanar

Thursday, Dec. 17th, 2015

A few big meetings today, starting at 9:30 with Andrew Schmidt, our new in-house counsel.  Andrew is donating all his time, which is really great as we get some much needed legal work.  We reviewed the legal documents we use for the production.

Then we met with Marc Cushman, the author of the amazing These Are The Voyages books, which are the definitive history of TOS.  Marc is writing The Making of Axanar, which will be out by the end of 2016.  Marc is pretty excited to write this story and we are proud to have such an esteemed historian involved.

A quick chat with Simon Lissaman, our illustrious concept artist who is working on a Klingon disruptor.  The design was initially Ron Gambles, and I asked both Simon and Ron to work on the revisions, which I noted on a print out of the sketch.  Things like this will play a big part in The Making of Axanar book.

Then Diana and I headed off to our costume fabricator to get the prototypes of the Starfleet tunics.  Not bad, but they need work!  After this we fought the traffic to the Arclight theater in Hollywood for the first showing of Star Wars with our buddies!

Star Wars

More tomorrow!


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Jason Moon says:

    Does this Artoo beep with a Scottish accent? “Ach, beep-bloop-wheeoooo!”

  • re: “The Making of Axanar” by Marc Cushman: AWESOME! (and impressive!) =D
    …i’ve been wondering and hoping for news like this …can we hope for Axanar Tech Manual / Blueprints? =) Haynes manual? =P

    re: Axanar Klingon Disruptor(s): looking GOOD! (…i just wish i could see color / depth) =P
    the design really evokes classic (pre-)TOS Trek! …are props like this modeled / 3D-printed?

    Team Axanar KICKS @$$!!! =D

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