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Captain’s Log – Dec 9th, 2015

By December 11, 2015Captain's Log

Prelude Art 2Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 2015

Andrew Boomer

Andrew does the obligatory Boomer pic! Boomer approves of our new legal counsel.

Today was a day spent with Andrew Schmidt, Axanar productions new in-house legal counsel.  Andrew has been a friend for a long time, and will be working with our legal team at Eric Feig Entertainment Law, who handles all our big legal issues.  Andrew is a volunteer and will be reviewing everything we do as well as working on our 501c3 application (non-profit status) for Axanar Productions.  He will be handling all paperwork and making sure we are well buttoned up.

Meanwhile, the set work continues!  (I bet you are getting tired of seeing these Klingon doors!).

Kharn copy

The finished Klingon door

Meanwhile, Diana continues to ship perks and donors are very happy.


If you get your perks, make sure you take a photo and post it on the Axanar Fan Group! Diana loves hearing your comments.

Carry on!


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Ultrawoman says:

    Boomer is beautiful as always! I didn’t realize he was so huge!!! The poster looks great. I think it’s a little dark. It could have a lighter color scheme. It’s a little hard to see.

  • Mike L. says:

    Boomer deserves at least a cameo role in Axanar! Data had a cat, after all, so why not Captain Garth? OR Ambassador Soval! (I would think that cats would have become very popular with Vulcans.)

    And once Axanar Productions moves beyond Trek alone, I would love to see a video version of David Brin’s first novel, “Sundiver”. Opportunities for some great SFX with that story.

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