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Captain’s Log – Nov 26-27th, 2015

By December 2, 2015Captain's Log

Thursday-Friday, November 26-27th, 2015

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Thursday was spent relaxing and working.  Friday was of course Black Friday, and I headed off to get some needed away time in Vegas while Diana worked!  That is how dedicated she is.  She has been wrapping up the last of the weird and strange shipments that were left from the Prelude to Axanar Kickstarter.


And a bit of Axanar set goodness.

Captain’s Quarters


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • J.D. says:

    Flesh out your character. Put a model clipper ship on the wall along with a bottle of Saurian Brandy and some shot glasses. Captians quarters should always be interesting and reveal something personal about its occupant.

  • J.D. says:

    Now that I think of it, why not have Diana do a cameo appearance as Garth’s yeoman, maybe a walk on part for a few seconds handing him the day’s reports and a cofffee? She does have a good Star Trek uniform.

    • Robert says:

      Yeoman? No way! She rocks that blue uniform at cons. I say a Science Officer on the bridge during the big battle. She gives Garth that critical bit of sensor data that enables him to outwit Garrett Wang (still playing a Klingon Captain I presume) and disable his D-7.

      This movie’s going to be great!

  • Doug says:

    The set looks great! Coming along nicely. Can’t wait to see the finished version.

    Diana – you’re awesome! We all appreciate your dedication and hard work. Would love to see you have even a small part in the film.

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