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Captain’s Log – Nov 20-22nd, 2015

By November 22, 2015Captain's Log

Sac Trek

Friday-Sunday, Nov. 20-22nd, 2015


Diana and Sarah

Well, the last convention of the year was this weekend and it was a small one in Sacramento, CA.  And even though it basically took 3 days out of our schedules, we did spread the word to a bunch of people who had never seen it before.  And what makes that acceptable, is not only did we get the hotel and gas paid for by the convention, so basiclaly, the show cost us nothing but time to do, but all those people will now go tell their friends about Axanar.

Sac Trek was a 3 year old con dedicated to Gaming and Dr. Who and this year they added Star Trek.  Tim Russ was a guest, which was impressive considering how small the con was, and Axanar was the main Star Trek programming it seemed.  We had small, but very passionate panels, with some really great talk about Axanar and canon.  We also had our good friends Associate Producer Bill Watters and volunteer Sarah Linsley attend.  It’s always good to see good friends at events.

Bill and I got to plan next year’s convention schedule, and there will be no small cons as we won’t have the time!

Thanks to the Loma Prieta and Golden Gate chapters of Starfleet, the International Star Trek fan Club, for supporting us!

Alec Peters

Executive Producer

Sac Trek

Volunteer David Goldsbury spotted Diana and me on Saturday so we could get lunch!

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