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Captain’s Log – Nov 17th, 2015

By November 22, 2015Captain's Log

Prototype Klingon tunic.

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Today was budget meetings.  Everyone was at the studio, though it is tough to get everyone there at once because of schedules.  We aren’t paying people much, and so they all have other jobs.  You make due with what you can and work around people’s schedules.  But the entire team is very passionate and dedicated, so it is always a pleasure to get to work.

One of the things we do is have Milton do camera tests on all the costumes we are making.  Last week it was Klingon costumes and this week it is Federation fabrics.  Wardrobe Designer Kate Bergh got some new fabrics that we absolutely loved.  She picked up sample yardage of a gold and a blue we loved, and fortunately each looked as we expected.  She also picked up 4 colors of Red.  We wanted to make sure we had the right red, which needed to be darker than TOS red.  Milton filmed all the fabric and we were happy with all the results.  The 3 colors we wanted looked great on film.

It is important to actually shoot the colors under lights as in TNG the red that shows up is actually a dark maroon and the blue is actually a teal green.  Lights change everything and different lights do different things to the colors.  Lighting has changed dramatically for filming in the last 10 years with the advent of LED lights.  power usage is down and practical lighting much more common.  So we test!

And the photo above is the first prototype of the Klingon costume.  This is basically just the tunic, which is like a vest.  The undershirt/sleeves haven’t been done yet.  The belt is temp too.

A long day with a lot accomplished.


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • I like the klingon tunic! especially the nice metallic edge detail =)

    I think you should get rid of the sash… it covers too much of the nice closure detail on the front of the tunic… maybe you could use more of a cable/strap, like TNG klingons?

    maybe add some (matching) hard plastic “guards” with insignia to the shoulders? spine guard on the back?

    Keep up the GREAT WORK, you guys! =)

  • Ultrawoman says:

    A couple of years ago, I bought some scarves online. I ordered one of each color of a particular scarf. It was a gold paisley pattern. The orange one and pink one looked the same under the light at home. I thought they goofed and sent me two orange ones. I took them outside and looked at them under daylight. I had a pink one and an orange one in my hands. The merchant did send me the right scarves. I’m glad I looked before I complained to the merchant!

  • Doug says:

    Looks great!

  • David Hernandez says:

    Tunic looks great! Thanks for all you and the crew do.

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