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Captain’s Log – Nov 12th, 2015

By November 15, 2015Captain's Log
Klingons and me

Axanar Line Producer Mike Demerrit with some friends on the set of Star Trek

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

The day started with a personal training session as usual.  Sophia kicked my butt again!  But I have to say it is paying off.

Then a 10:00am budget meeting with Line Producer Mike DeMerrit.  As you all know, Mike worked on Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise.  His first budget pass came in at $ 676,000 for the first half of the script.  Now, we only have $ 400,000, so that was a shock!  But we quickly eliminated $ 100,000 just from correcting errors and eliminating some really basic things we don’t need.  Rob and I are reviewing the budget now to get that down even more.  This is the way budgeting goes.

We then had our production meeting with more staff.  Production Designer John Iacovelli and our new art director Chad Dellinger, who works with John regularly, worked on set finishing, while we all got to see the first pass at the new Klingon costumes, which I have to say look AWESOME.

April Eden has been busting her butt with getting us everything we need to get going on all the costumes and props.  Wardrobe Designer Kate Bergh found great new fabric for our Starfleet costumes, and we are making headway on these.

Dean and his team are making good progress on the sets, where the captain’s quarters are looking amazing!


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  • Stephen Herbert says:

    Great to learn about developments with such regularity. Keeping up a daily blog is a tough task – and just reading about your workload makes me tired. Best of luck with the forthcoming shoot.

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