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Axanar Podcast # 31 – Heroes!

By November 14, 2015Axanar News

TICONDEROGA, NY.: NOVEMBER 5, 2015 -- Alec Peters and Robert Burnett during the filming of Axanar vignettes at the Star Trek New Voyages Studio in Ticonderoga, New York, November 5, 2015. Photo for Axanar Productions by Garth Gullekson.

Axanar 34: Taking a Nap in Garth’s Quarters
Shooting the Axanar Heroes Vignettes.

As a bridge to Axanar, Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters paid a visit to the Star Trek New Voyages sets to shoot the “Heroes” vignettes together with James Cawley. It was an exciting production involving people from five different Star Trek fan films. And in this episode of the official Axanar podcast, Rob and Alec recount the experience, talk about how the vignettes tie into Axanar, and what it was like to work on that amazing reproduction of the Enterprise 1701.

In addition, we bring you an update on the Axanar set construction, costume design and development, Garth’s wraparound tunic, and debate the difference between Trekkie and Trekker.

Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters

C Bryan Jones (Editor and Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)

Set Construction Update (00:00:00)
Costumes Update (00:03:26)
TrekkIE or TrekkER? (00:08:05)
Shooting the Heroes Vignettes (00:17:13)
Garth’s Wraparound Tunic (00:25:33)
Working on the Star Trek New Voyages Sets (00:30:25)
Back to Axanar Production (00:51:55)
Patreon Plans (00:58:09)

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