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Status Update: HECTIC!!

By November 5, 2015November 14th, 2015Donors, Fundraising & Fulfillment

Although it really doesn’t feel like it from where I’m sitting, headway is being made in the area of fulfillment! But, after a busy weekend of Comikaze Expo (here in L.A.), this week has been all about fulfillment. (Okay, and meetings. And phone calls. And planning. And an awful lot of cat-herding… and this time, I don’t mean of Boomer.)  Anyway, here’s a little recap of where things currently stand…

PRELUDE to AXANAR Kickstarter (March 2014 campaign) backers are nearly all fulfilled. This week has been all about weeding out the accounts in BackerKit which remain to be fulfilled, compiling lists of those names by “group”, then communicating to the BackerKit folks the names that either still need postage resets (in order for new postage to be created), or the ones who experienced the weird tracking-emailed-but-no-corresponding-postage-was-ever-created-on-this-end phenomenon (which has been a NIGHTMARE to deal with).

As soon as our tech specialist, Terry, has the Ares Digital platform ready to be used in fulfillment (since that is where all names and shipping addresses will come from, hence forward), the following will be able to go into fulfillment:

PRELUDE to AXANAR Retroactive and Paypal (after the March 2014 campaign, in other words) backers will be next up… and those–finally, thank the Great Maker–I will be able to use some volunteer help in fulfilling.

AXANAR Indiegogo (July 2015 campaign) “Secret/Special Perks” (only those perks) are also on deck to be fulfilled immediately after the PRELUDE Kickstarter has been put to bed, and, again, this is something that (hallelujah) will be able to use volunteer help.

AXANAR Kickstarter (August 2014 campaign) backers receiving patches will go into fulfillment, using volunteer help. (Remember all those envelopes we stuffed a couple of months ago, in preparation for that? The ones still taking up every inch of floor space around my desk?? Yeah, those… just waiting on the ability to match patches to shipping addresses and to print shipping labels. 🙂 )


In addition, I’ll be opening the Donors Store up again ASAP… but need to get a little bit more fulfillment out of the way, first.

Finally, we’re looking to have our offices completed around Thanksgiving, barring any unforeseen complications. Moving out of the lobby… it’ll be like an early present. 🙂

Axanar On, everyone…

Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Saskfan says:

    Diana, I’m one of several people who helped with the August 2014 kickstarter campaign. I have been patiently waiting for news of the rewards, but had heard nothing. I also haven’t heard whether or when I should be sending you my address – or how to send it to you – to receive the awesomeness of Axanar.

    I didn’t want to bother you, and managed to avoid doing so thoroughly enough that I forgot about Axanar for several months. But can you give us any specific Kickstarter news, please?

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      This has actually been dealt with MANY times over the past few months– in several of my past Fulfillment Blogs, and in the Facebook Donors Group– but you must have missed all of that, so let’s go over it again! 🙂
      Since you donated to the August 2014 AXANAR Kickstarter, any rewards due you will be fulfilled through our own new system, Ares Digital, which was opened to all AXANAR KS donors several months ago. So, your job is to finish setting up your personal account (on the website, pull down the tab for “Donor Resources”, then select “Ares Digital Donor Fulfillment”), after which you will be able to make changes to shipping address, and can check the listing of the perks you will be entitled to. Remember that the ONLY things that will be shipping out early, as soon as Ares Digital is ready to output addresses to me, are the patches; ALL other physical rewards from that campaign will be shipped once the movie has been completed.
      If you have any questions about Ares Digital, please direct them to our tech specialist, by emailing him at
      And there you have it! 🙂

      • Saskfan says:

        Thanks, Diana. I apologize for making you repeat yourself, but I don’t do Facebook, and wasn’t paying much attention to the website – Real Life (TM) has been more important lately.

        I have now logged in and updated everything that needed updating. And now I’ll go back to Patience mode. Carry on!

        • Diana Kingsbury says:

          Very happy to help… and happy to get another Ares Digital account up and running! 🙂

  • I’m available weekdays while Jayden is in school (assume I can do 10am – 1:30pm allowing for commute time) and Saturdays when the grandparents are here to babysit. I can also try to wrangle up members from the USS Angeles, and Derek can grab USS Stephen Hawking members of STARFLEET. In other words, volunteers are standing by! (It’ll be nice to have actual space to work in.) 🙂

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    That’s Fantastic news that there is a light at the end of the tunnel where you’ll be able to delegate some of this herculean task… It is only fitting that Diana, Goddess of Fulfillment will be able to delegate to her Hercules(es?)(Herculi?). Best of luck shedding the Cloak Of Backerkit!

  • Cathryn Curtis says:

    Diana, once again, this is no doubt a question you have answered a thousand times, but (sorry!) here it goes;
    As a KS 2014 donor at the $25 level, I see that the two ‘stretch goal’ patches are available for $5 each (s/h). I’ve opened my Aries account, and my address is up to date, but I don’t see anywhere to arrange for me to be on the list for these patches to be sent, nor for me to pay for them. Can you instruct me?
    Thank you for all you do.
    Cathryn Curtis

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Cathryn, we don’t currently have the “stretch goal patch addition” available; it was in the Donors Store, which is temporarily shuttered whilst I work my way through the mountain of PRELUDE stuff–which, happily, is more closely resembling a molehill than a mountain with every passing day! 😉
      In the meantime, though, it’s fine if you want to make a direct donation for the “stretch goal patches” from the AXANAR Kickstarter, since you are definitely eligible to do so, as an AXANAR KS $25 donor! (Donations for the stretch goals may be made using our Paypal email address,, along with a note to me alerting me to what your donation covers.)
      And there you have it!! 🙂

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