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Captain’s Log – October 27th, 2015

By November 3, 2015Captain's Log

Ben primes the bridge!

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

Today was a big production meeting.  A few people couldn’t make it, but we filled in around them.  With three months till the production there is much to do.  A big casting decision was made, which you all will be interested in, but I can’t tell you yet!

Ben, our painter, has been priming the sets. He finished priming the bridge set and is working on the transporter now.

Dean, is hard at work on Garth’s quarters, which were built off Eric Henry concept art.  There is some amazing stuff being done here.

Rob is almost finished with pre-viz direction on VFX for Tobias.  More photos soon.


The fluffiest kitty in the world!

Diana is slogging her way through all Prelude to Axanar fulfillment.  She couldn’t be in the office today because poor Boomer had an adverse reaction to some kibble he had and left a god-awful mess around Diana’s apartment!.  Boomer may have to go to the vet, so Diana is looking after Boomer today.


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  • re: big casting decision – did u get Capt. Robeau?! …that would be COOL! =)

    …bridge is looking pretty cool in Battleship Gray! =)

    poor kitty! =( …he’s probly just expressing anxiety? (over missing his mommy) 😉

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