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Captain’s Log – October 21st, 2015

By October 25, 2015Captain's Log

Klingon fabric swatches


Costumes are consuming April and me as we have to work with our costume fabricator for the Starfleet uniforms and also get separate seamstresses to handle the Klingon costumes since we are only doing a limited number of them.  We haven’t set on fabrics for either, but we are getting close.

April is doing great work and we are lucky that her Mom is a seamstress and is building the patterns for the Klingon costumes.


Federation Costume color choices



Dean’s bridge monitor spreadsheet

Meanwhile, Curtis is absolutely kicking ass getting the warehouse converted to a sound stage.  The Green Screen is in process and here is the matrix Curtis built to get all the monitors we need for the bridge.

And this is what I saw Dean working on:




As Diana and I prepare for the first true vacation (non-con) we have taken, I had to deal with a massive sinus headache that kicked my ass and cost me about 6 hours of work time.  So I am way behind on emails, which will now wait till after our vacation, which while only 4 days, is incredibly necessary.

People think going to a con for Axanar is all fun and games, but it is real work.  Why do you think no other fan film does conventions like Axanar does?  Because they don’t have the time nor inclination to do the massive amount of work it takes to do a convention!  But we are professionals and this is our job. For Axanar, it is part of what we are trying to build, which is the best Star Trek production company there is.  And that means we do what no other fan production does.

And we love doing it!  Diana and Rob and I absolutely love meeting the fans and talking to each and every one of you.  Heck, we are all geeks and love talking Star Trek.

And next is Comikazi!  We will be there Friday October, 30th – Sunday, November 1st.


At the Los Angeles Convention Center!

See you all there!


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