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Captain’s Log – October 14th, 2015

By October 16, 2015October 19th, 2015Captain's Log

Bridge layout

While the bridge hasn’t been worked on in a bit, Dean is itching to get the pilots station done, which is the only station not finished on the new bridge.  Well, the Captain’s chair too!  But that comes soon….

Maverick FF

Well, it is a good day when you win another film festival award and today we won Best special FX and Make-up for Prelude to Axanar!

Then at night was the nominee party for The Geekie Awards!  Held at the Hotel Figeroa, all of my favorite people were there (OK, not all) and even a few of my least favorite people!  But hey. that is LA.

Tomorrow is the actual awards, but tonight was the Nominee Party, and everything for Team Axanar was arranged by our trusty Film Festival Director and Associate Producer Horace Austin.  We were also joined by our good friends Charlie Lauzirika and Carlee Baker.

Geekies 3

Diana, Alec, Rob, Horace, Charlie, Carlee

Thank you to all our donors as you are all the reason we get to live our dream and help make the Star Trek you want!


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