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Captain’s Log – October 9th, 2015

By October 10, 2015Captain's Log

Klingon Consoles

Dean and Dominic have begun work on Klingon consoles for the Klingon bridges.  While they are based on the consoles we saw in almost every Klingon ship since Star Trek V, they will have small differences and be painted for both a D6 and a D7.

We have to build two different bridges, and while the D-6 will be the older and more basic design, both bridges will share the two console and Captain’s chair design.  The D-7 however will have influences from TMP.

STV Klingon Bridge

Star Trek V Bird of Prey Bridge


Our Klingon Chair

Klingon fabric samples. We may use neither of these!


Meanwhile, April and I made huge progress with our costume fabricator.  Our price for our Starfleet costumes will be lower than expected, our fabric has already been paid for, and our dying time will be a fraction of what we previously thought.  Meanwhile we continue to hunt for fabric for our Klingon costumes.

That is a wrap for Friday!




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