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Captain’s Log – October 1st, 2015

By October 7, 2015October 9th, 2015Captain's Log

John Iacovelli with Salvador from Linoleum City

The day started out with Diana and I visiting Linoleum City, where Hollywood goes to buy flooring materials.  We met Production Designer John Iacovelli there.  And we found some stuff we liked!

The goods!

Some interesting textures!

Later that afternoon, Diana continued to ship Prelude to Axanar Blu Rays and other perks.  Here is her latest effort, shipping 130 packages in one day.


Diana’s daily haul!

There is always more to ship and Diana is all over it for you!




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  • BSL says:

    When I first read “Linoleum City” I thought “oh no”, but they actually look quite cool.

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