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Captain’s Log – September 21st, 2015

By September 23, 2015Captain's Log

One of Alexander Richardson’s early console concepts.

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Today the recolonization of the Art department started to bear fruit.  Simon Lissaman, who has been generating a lot of the concept art has been promoted to Assistant Art Director in charge of production art.  While Aaron Harvey has been promoted to Assistant Art Director in charge of graphic art.  This divides the art department up neatly and separates what are essentially two skill sets.  Aaron, Lee Quessenberry and Alexander Richardson have all proven their ability to design monitor and console graphics.  While Simon, Eric Henry, Mike Hernandez and others are all very good at concept art.  (someone like Sean Tourangeau, whose expertise is ship schematics falls under graphic art).

So now each department head, who will be working with me, will be in charge of getting his team to deliver what is needed by the production.

Klingon Table Art 1

Mike Hernandez has prove to be a top notch concept artist

We have a wonderful Art Director, Jerry Sonnenberg, who came to us through Production Designer John Iacovelli, but because of budget constraints, we are keeping Jerry for only certain things where he can really add value and not administrative duties.  But John approves all the designs and I can tell you, having such a heavyweight on board is huge for us.  John particularly loved the BSG bridge concept art which we are adapting to make the Federation War Room.


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