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Captain’s Log – September 11th, 2015

By September 13, 2015Captain's Log
Mike Nguyen

My good friend Michael Nguyen, who is the biggest Star Trek cosplayer I know.

I got back from New York late last night, and Diana picked me up at the airport.  It was great to be in NY because I got to see my good friends, including Michael Nguyen, who anyone who goes to Vegas Con knows is the mayor of the Masquerade bar.  he also holds the now famous “Away Missions” where he gets Star Trek fans to go to NY bars in costume!    Michael is truly one of my favorite people because he is always up beat and positive.

Today was all about getting organized and weeding through 160 emails.  So I worked from home all day and brought Diana’s cat Boomer over so he had some company.  OK, he is cute and fluffy and I like his company too.

Boomer 9.11.15

Boomer and me

Having this many emails is a problem for me.  One, it stresses me out because I know there is important stuff not getting done.  The second is that it is a lot of work as by this point I have eliminated every unimportant email and these emails each require some work to answer.  The good news is I got my inbox down to 98.  So that is a start!


The third biggest Comic Con in the country.

If you are going to the Salt Lake Comic Con, please come see our massive 10′ x 20′ booth!  It will be the biggest and best booth we have had at a con.  And considering this is the third biggest con in the country, we hope to get a ton of new fans interested!  More details to come!


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Ultrawoman says:

    Boomer is very beautiful!!!!!

  • Duane Bruner says:

    Alec, it sounds like you need a PA. I can volunteer my services for about two months if you need me. Nov 1 – Dec. 20 or so. I’m good at that stuff. I’ll send my credentials via, oh no! email. I’m also happy to be a gofer and run errands for anybody.

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