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Captain’s Log – September 9-10th, 2015

By September 12, 2015Captain's Log

I am in New York for Wednesday and Thursday breaking down the Avengers STATION, where I handle the props & costumes.  So not much on the Axanar front.  On the rare days like this where I am not working on Axanar, I try and just stay ahead of the volumes of emails I get.

But here are a few things to report:


Another Film Festival Selection!

Associate Producer Horace Austin does an amazing job getting us into film festivals.  The Glendale International Film Festival is here in L.A. and another great selection.  Just getting into festivals is a big deal as they get so many entries!


JG Herztler and Robert O’Reilly sandwich Diana and me!

This photo is from Galacticon, where Diana and I manned an Axanar booth.  Our two favorite Klingons stopped by.


Axanar super-fan Lee Benjamin

And special thanks to Lee Benjamin, one of Axanar’s biggest supporters.  At Dragon Con Lee printed out special cards with the time and location of the Axanar panel and was handing them out all weekend!  Thanks Lee!  You are amazing!



Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Thank you, Alex for creating the best new Trek! Axanar is Star Trek history in the making.

  • Michael Falke says:

    Just saw the release of Star Trek Renegades and was blown away. I am so looking forward to the release of Axanar. Renegades was Bermanesk Star Trek and so much better than the J.J. Abrams manure Hollywood is selling us these days. Can’t wait for another fan Trek film.

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