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Captain’s Log – September 8th, 2015

By September 11, 2015September 14th, 2015Captain's Log

Dragon Con FIlm Festival

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Well, just as we got back from Dragon Con we found out that Prelude to Axanar won the Dragon Con Film Festival Award for “Best Fan Film”.  Truly an honor!

SFFF_2015_Official Selection

We also got into the Australian Sci Fi Film Festival!

Today I am flying out to New York to break down the Avengers STATION Exhibit.  I am in charge of props & costumes for the company that handles the exhibit and so I have to take down all the assets and pack them up for shipping.  My good friend Shannon Wendlick is flying in to help me and we have one day to do the work.  But setting it up was a lot of fun, and the exhibit looked great.

So after flying across the country to get back to L.A. yesterday, today I fly back to N.Y.!   At least I am racking up Frequent Flyer miles!


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